virginia at it's best. true self made hustler

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Cheev's original music writing ability combines raw talent and energy into an array of songs that showcase his storytelling style. Cheev's true passion can be easily found and heard in the design of his music as he pours not only his heart, thoughts, and feelings over each track, but seeing the reaction/response he gets from people relating to his music is where he really locks in. Without the added pressure or worries of whether or not he is actually liked, Cheev remains adamant that as long as he can look in the mirror and see his true authenticity, its easy for him to stand behind any and everything he's ever said or done. In a world where there seems to be so much hoopla over clout chasing, Cheev's main focus is on the progression of his music. Cheev is an American emcee based in (Bad Newz) Newport News, VA. As an artist his music is truly Hip Hop featuring versions of trap and melodic Boom Bap.

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Cheev IV Bro is currently hitting as many state to state open mics as he can. Building himself a strong core fan base not only stateside but internationally with his sights set on a European tour for at least three music festivals in 2024. So, when you see that he is listed to perform, Pull up and experience it LIVE!!! Come follow my journey!!  

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